Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 Regular Meeting

Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 171 Spruce Avenue, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

There will be a Banquet this evening commencing at 6:00 p.m.  Meeting 7:30 pm Business of the Evening To receive reports, petitions, communications and all other business that is regularly presented. Dress Code Officers: Formal Dress Members: Business Suits Work of the Evening This evening Mr. Coomes will be […]

DDGM Official Visit to Dyment Lodge No. 442

Dyment Lodge No. 442 169 Main St., P.O. Box 417, Thessalon, Ontario, Canada

Dinner at the Zion United Church 224 Main St. Thessalon @ 6:00 pm Cost is $30.00. Meeting @ 7:30 pm Official Visit of our D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. Robert D. Craig Business of the Evening General and New Business, Conferring Degrees. Work of the Evening Brethren, this evening  Brother […]

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Regular Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening General Business. Notice: Presentation of our yearly Budget for approval. Work of the Evening There is no degree work scheduled for this meeting. Notice of Ballot There will be a a discussion and ballot on increasing our dues for 2025. […]

Woodland Lodge Ladies Night

Wawa Motor Inn 118 Mission Road, Wawa, Ontario, Canada

The Brethren of Woodland Lodge No. 680 will be holding a Ladies Night on Dec 13th at the Wawa Motor Hotel. The cost per person will be $48.00, gratuity, taxes, etc. included. Social at 5:30 pm.... Shrimp and other assorted goodies. Supper at 6:00 pm.... Roast Turkey […]
