Thank you for visiting our Web site, created to serve the more than 700 members of the Algoma East
District – From Elliot Lake on the East to Wawa on the West and North to Chapleau.
Here you will discover information about our fraternity, our District and have the opportunity to contact members of our Masonic Lodges should you wish to do so. We hope your visit has been helpful and we look forward to working to serve you better in the Algoma East District.
It is with great pleasure that the Brethren be advised that the Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698, W. Bro. Douglas Elliott has been one of 88 Canadians this year to receive the “Order of Canada”
This order is the cornerstone of the Canadian Honor system and recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication, commitment and service to the nation. This order recognizes people from all segments of our society.
The 88 recipients of 2024 were officially published on December 18th, 2024, and they join the other 7,600 recipients who have received this order since it was started by Queen Elizabeth II in 1967.
The Governor General, her Excellency The Right Honorable Mary Simon will officiate at the official ceremony at a later date to be announced.
On behalf of the officers and Brethren of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 and indeed our brothers throughout our jurisdiction we Congratulate W. Bro. Douglas Elliott on his appointment to this prestige Order.
Brethren the purpose of the Travelling Gavel Program aims to foster visitation and brotherhood within our District. There are a number of rules which govern its use which are listed below for your reference. The gavel is never without a copy of the rules and the ledger of its history and travel. The Lodge that holds the gavel will remain to do so until a group of Masons fitting within the requirements of the rules visits that Lodge and request that it be relinquished to them.
Travelling Gavel – Algoma East Masons
On June 24, 2024 members of Lorne Lodge No 622 (Chapleau) captured the Travelling Gavel from Dyment Lodge No. 442. (Thessalon)
Front Row Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Brad Eagleson, R.W. Bro. Brent Derochie, W. Bro. Ben Webster (Immediate Past Master Dyment Lodge 442) R.W. Bro. James Broomhead, W. Bro. Dennis McLeod (Worshipful Master of Dyment Lodge 442) R.W. Bro. Graham Bertrand (DDGM Algoma East District), R.W. Bro. Harry Lewis. Back Row Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Larry Weeks, R.W. Bro. Ian MacKenzie, W. Bro. Keith Travis, R.W. Bro. Pat Gillespie and V.W. Bro. John McKnight.
Algoma East District Travelling Gavel – Rules of Use
1. This gavel is for the use of the Masonic Lodges within the Algoma East District only.
2. In order for a visiting Lodge to capture the Travelling Gavel, at least six (6) members of the same Lodge must attend a posted regular or emergent meeting of the Lodge in possession of it. Of the six (6) or more visiting: At least one (1) must be the Master or a Warden; at least one (1) must be a Past Master and at least one (1) must be an Officer other than the Master or Wardens.
3. The gavel can be obtained at any legal meeting.
4. The gavel must be asked for by the visiting brethren during the meeting to obtain it.
5. The gavel is to be presented by the Worshipful Master of the possessing Lodge to the Worshipful Master or Senior Representative of the obtaining Lodge.
6. Should more than one Lodge be present to challenge the gavel, the Lodge with the most members present will be successful in obtaining it. If each Lodge has an equal amount of members, the Lodge travelling the greater distance will obtain it. If both Lodges are from the same city and have the same amount of members present, a tie will be declared and the gavel will stay at the current Lodge unless one Lodge wishes to forfeit it.
7. The Secretary of the obtaining Lodge must notify the District Deputy Grand Master and all Lodge Secretaries within the District as soon as possible.
8. The Date, Lodge Name & Number, and the member information must be recorded in the accompanying ledger.
9. The gavel must be displayed in full view in the Lodge room of the possessing Lodge at all open Lodge meetings.
It is an honour and privilege to have been selected to be Algoma East’s District Deputy Grand Master.
I hope to utilize the internet to close the distances and help enhance all of our lodges.
I am excited for the upcoming year and with the help from members both on and off the Trestle Board see a year of growth and unity. Let’s make this Masonic year one of fellowship, success and together a prosperous fulfilling year for all.