Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Emergent Meeting
Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, CanadaEmergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Degree work subject to the availability of candidates.
Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Degree work subject to the availability of candidates.
Meeting 7:30 pm Emergent Meeting Step Up Night Work of the evening Fellowcraft Degree (Candidate TBD). Harmony to follow.
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Entered Apprentice subject to the availability of the candidate. Masonic Education
Dinner: The menu consists of Roast Ham, Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad, Tea and Coffee plus a Charcuterie Board following Lodge Dinner will be served at 6:15 pm and the cost is $35.00 each. If you plan to attend please RSVP by Friday January 17, 2025 Adam Sparks at: […]
Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening This will be a short meeting followed by our Robbie Burns Celebration in the Banquet Room.
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Fellow Craft degree subject to the availability of the candidate. Masonic Education