Keystone Lodge No. 412 Emergent Meeting
Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, CanadaEmergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Entered Apprentice degree for Mr. Logan Thompson.
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Entered Apprentice degree for Mr. Logan Thompson.
Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening We will be preforming Degrees for those brethren prepared for advancement and or Masonic Education.
Meeting at 7:30 pm Work of the Evening Installation of Remaining Officers of Algoma Lodge for 2023 Masonic year. Proving of 3rd Degrees Masonic Education Memorial Services
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Master Mason degree for Bro. Mark Chio. Subject to availability of degree team and candidate. Masonic Education
Meeting at 7:30 pm Work of the Evening After having given proof of his proficiency in the First Degree Bro. Oswald (Ozzie) Grandinetti will be passed to the Fellow Craft Degree.
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Master Mason degree for Bro. Mark Chio and additional candidate(s) subject to availability. Masonic Education
Banquet at 5:00 pm This banquet will be held at 5:00 pm. with a prime rib meal at the Wawa Motor Inn . The Worshipful Master W. Bro. Ronald J. Ouellette invites you to attend and enjoy a great meal, the fellowship and comradery. Emergent Meeting 7:00 […]
Meeting at 7:30 pm
Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Entered Apprentice Degree Mr. Travis Cushner and Mr. Andrew McCormick . Masonic Education
Meeting 7:30 pm Work of the evening Receiving the Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Jamie R. Ireland on a Fraternal Visit. 50 year Anniversary pin presentation. Masonic Education