Woodland Lodge No. 680 Wawa
Woodland Lodge No. 680 Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2022 / 2023 completed on November 19, 2022
January 8, 2020 Bro. Monty MacIntyre and Bro. Ray Brisson were presented with their Grand Lodge Certificates

Left – Right W. Bro. Eric Mitrikas, Bro. Monty MacIntyre, Bro. Ray Brisson and V. W. Bro. Steve Turyk
Woodland Lodge No. 680 Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2019 – 2020

Woodland Lodge No. 680. Visitors and members at the Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2019 – 2020 Woodland Lodge is given the Travelling Gavel by Hatherly Lodge No. 625.
District Deputy Grand Master for Algoma East District R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas’s Official Visit to Woodland Lodge No. 680 0n April 5, 2019

Left to Right: V.W. Bro. Steve Turyk, R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas (DDGM for Algoma East District) Bro.Raymond Brisson ( Candidate being passed to the Fellow Craft Degree) W. Bro. Eric Mitrikas (W. M. of Woodland Lodge No. 680).

Full House at Woodland Lodge No. 680 for R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas’s (DDGM for Algoma East District) Official Visit on April 5, 2019.
District Deputy Grand Master for Algoma East District R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill’s Official Visit to Woodland Lodge No. 680 on April 1, 2017

V.W. Bro. Steve Turyk (Father of the Candidate), David Turyk (Candidate) and R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (Algoma East District DDGM).

W. Bro. Troy Dereski (Worshipful Master of Woodland Lodge No. 680), V.W. Bro. Steve Turyk (Father of the candidate.) David Turyk (Candidate) and R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (DDGM for Algoma East District).

Officers and members of Woodland Lodge No. 680 along with R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (DDGM for Algoma East District on his Official Visit) and the candidate Bro. David Turyk.