Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Blind River
Penewobikong Lodge Past DDGM’s
On February 10, 2025 R.W. Bro. David Spencer the Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario made a fraternal visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487
On January 23, 2024 Bro. Chris Zagar was initiated into Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Left to Right: W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge), Bro. Chris Zagar (Candidate) and Bro. Dan Middaugh.
Chris Zagar’s Initiation on January 23, 2024

Back Row Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles, W. Bro. Mark Daub, V.W. Bro. Armand Pitre, Bro. Ron Hamelin, Bro. Chuck Rendell.
Middlle Row Left to Right: W. Bro. Scott Sine, W. Bro. Jim Dunbar, V. W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner, Bro. Brad Landry,
Front Row Left to Right: W. Bro. Don Mitchell, V. W. Bro. Norm Pemberton, Bro. James Poyton, Bro. Jordan Jensen, W. Bro. Rusty Joncas, Bro. Chris Zagar (Candidate), Bro. Dan Middaugh, Bro. Nickolas Viel, R. W. Bro. Brian Olson
On January 8, 2024 Bro. James Poyton was initiated into Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles, Bro. James Poyton (Candidate), W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge), V. W. Bro. Armand Pitre and Bro. Brad Landry.
On December 11, 2023 Bro. Jorden Jensen was initiated into Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles, Bro. Jorden Jensen (Candidate),. Bro. Dan Middaugh and W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge).
On December 5, 2023 Bro. Nickolas Viel was initiated into Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Left to Right: W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge 487), R.W. Bro. Paul Astles, Bro. Nickolas Viel (Candidate) and Bro. Dan Middaugh.
A special thanks to R.W. Bro. John Thomas’s wife Ann for her skills in beautifying our Lodge room. Oct 10, 2023
R.W. Bro. John K. Thomas Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 on April 20, 2023

It was a full house with representatives from Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698, Dyment Lodge No. 442, Algoma Lodge No. 469 and Haterly Lodge No. 625.
R.W. Bro. Paul Astles on his 50th anniversary of being a Mason

(L – R) W. Bro. Don Mitchell, Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 W. Bro. Rusty Joncas, R.W. Bro. Paul Astles and the District Deputy Grand Master for Algoma East District R. W. Bro. John K. Thomas.
Ladies Night January 25, 2020

The Brethren, their ladies and our widows have an opportunity to update each other with anecdotes of life’s activities.

Friends have a chance to reconnect. (L to R) W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner, Bro. Bobby Jensen and his lady Rene, Kerrie Joncas with W. Master Rusty Joncas.

W. Master Rusty Joncas gave a recitation to the Ladies and Widows to detail the value, love and appreciation all our brethren have for them. He explained our Masonic obligation towards them. A heart felt tribute.
January 10, 2020

W. Bro. Mark Daub and Bro. Steve Brisbois peruse a newly erected Square & Compass crafted and presented to Penewobikong Lodge No 487 by R.W. Bro. Brian Olson
Dec 9, 2019

(L to R) W. Master Rusty Joncas, Bro. Brad Landry new Master Mason, Bro. Matt Simon newest affiliate member of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 & W. Bro. Mark Daub who with Bro. Brad Landry sponsored Bro. Matt Simon in his affiliation.
The Ribfest August 24, 2019
With a total of members, visitors, families and friends totaling 98 attendees
Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2019 – 2010

New Worshipful Master for 2019 – 2020 W. Bro. Rusty Joncas and R.W. Bro. Paul Astles (Installing Master)

Left – Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles (Sponsor), W. Bro. Rusty Joncas New Worshipful Master for 2019 – 2020 and W. Bro. Bob Rae (Sponsor).

Left – Right: Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Art Friesen, R.W. Bro. Geaorge E. Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District, Worshipful Master W. Bro. Rusty Joncas, W. Bro. Bob Rae and R. W. Bro. Paul Astles

Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2019 – 2020 Visitors, members and guest from Nova Scotia who attended this meeting on June 10, 2019.

right – Left: Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Art Freisen, R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District, Worshipful Master for Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 W. Bro. Rusty Joncas, R.W. Bro. Clifford Thompson PDDGM for Annapolis – Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia and R. w. Bro. Bill Hilden DDGM for Annapolis – Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.

W. Bro. Don Mitchell (Centre) was presented with his 60 years Long Service pin and certificate by R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas (Left) DDGM of Algoma East District and W. Master Art Friesen (Right).

W. Master Art Friesen presented, with R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas to Bro. Ron Hamelin and W. Bro. Scott Sine pocketknives engraved with Masonic symbols. This was to show the Worshipful Master’s thanks for the assistance they gave to the Junior Warden this past year. The knives came with bandages.
DDGM R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas Official Visit on April 8, 2019

Full house for R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 on April 8, 2019.

Left – Right: R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas (DDGM for Algoma East District), Bro. David Posteraro, Bro. Brad Alger (Candidate), R.W Bro. Paul Astles and W. Bro. Art Friesen (WM of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487).

Left – Right: Bro. David Posteraro (Sponsor), Bro. Brad Alger (Candidate) and R.W. Bro. Paul Astles (Sponsor).

Left – Right: R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas (DDGM for Algoma East District), Bro. Brad Alger (Candidate) and W. Bro. Art Friesen (WM of Penewoikong Lodge No. 487).
Ladies Night Jan 26, 2019

8 Widows were able to join us for the evening.
(L – R) Evelyn Daub, Anne Astles, W. Master Art Friesen, Shelia Fullerton, R.W. Bro. George Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District, Joyce Miller, Barb Lees, Sue Ashdown, Gail Brisbois and Beth Woods.
Remembrance Day Ceremony 2018

R.W. Bro. Brian Olson and R.W. Bro. Alex Solomon stand ready to present wreaths at the Remembrance Day Ceremony 2018.
On November 11th 2018 at the Remembrance Day Ceremony, Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 was well represented. They include R.W. Bro. Brian Olson, R.W. Bro. Alex Solomon, V.W. Bro. Armand Pitre, V.W. Bro. John Steward, W. Bro. John Thomas, W. Bro. Jim Dunbar and W. Bro. Scott Sine. V.W. Bro. Norm Pemberton attended the Remembrance Day Service in Elliot Lake with the Air Cadet Squadron # 696, Bro. Ron Hamlin also attended in Elliot Lake.

R.W. Bro. George Thomas, DDGM of Algoma East District received from W. Bro Art Friesen a 50 Year Long Service certificate and pin in the name of R. W. Bro. Gordon Hopcraft. R. W. Bro. George Thomas is travelling to Timmins on an invitation to attend an official visit for Timiskaming District DDGM R.W. Bro. James G. Chalmers at Golden Beaver Lodge No. 528 and hopes to facilitate a presentation to R.W. Bro. Gordon Hopcraft.
Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Conerstone Lodge 2018 – 2020

V. W. Bro. Norm Pemberton (Centre) holds the Cornerstone Certificate for 2018 – 2020,. As chairman of the committee he shares the certificate with W. Master of Penewobikong Lodge W. Bro. Art Friesen (On Left) and DDGM of Algoma East District R. W. Bro. George Thomas (On Right) . This is the second certificate Bro. Pemberton has brought back to the Lodge, we are now Cornerstone Lodge 2016 – 2020.
Congratulations to V. W. Bro. Norm Pemberton and his committee.

W. Master Art Friesen (L) and R. W. Bro. George Thomas (R) present The Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Mark Daub with a bound copy of the summons issued during his year in the East.

W. Bro. Chris Astles (3rd from left) receives his 25 years long service certificate and pin. He is joined with his father V. W. Bro. Peter Astles (On his right) also the DDGM of Algoma East District R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas and W. Master of Penewobikong Lodge W. Bro. Art Friesen.

Bro. David Posteraro (Centre)receives his Master Masons Certificate from R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District (L) and W. Master W. Bro. Art Friesen (R).
Another pleasant and successful 2018 Penewobikong Lodge BBQ

It is important to know how to get there. Mark Daub holds up one of the signs Bernhard Wiesner crafted to assist with directions.

Gotta have a place to hold this event. We were welcomed to Pat and Paul Astles place again this year. The Brethren getting set up.

The Wise. Behind the pole Bro. Barry Michaud, R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas the New DDGM of Algoma East District, R. W. Bro. Brian Olson, Bro. Rusty Joncas, W. Bro. Mark Daub and W. Master Art Friesen with Evelyn Daub looking on, being inspired.

The BBQ was built by the students of W. C Eaket Secondary School under the guidance of their teacher Bro. Posteraro (cooking) Bro. Rusty Joncas is assisting while Tammy Richard is looking on.
Grand Masters Letter Presentation to W. Bro Mark Daub

W. Bro. Mark Daub was presented with a letter of thanks from the Grand Master which was presented by R.W. Bro. Harry Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District and W. Bro. Art Friesen newly installed Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487
Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Installation June 2018

(Front Row L to R) R. W. Bro. Alex Solomon, V. W. Bro. Norm Pemberton, W. Bro. Mark Daub, W. Master Art Friesen, R. W. Bro. Harry Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District and R. W. Bro. Brian Olson
(Middle Row L to R) V. W. Bro. John Stewart, W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner, V. W. Bro. Armand Pitre, W. Bro. George Thomas, W. Bro. Don Mitchell and V. W. Bro. Peter Astles
(Back Row L to R) Bro. Antony Buckland and Bro. Rusty Joncas.
Master Mason Certificate Presentation on May 14, 2018

Bro. Julian Wiesner was presented his Master Mason Certificate.
Left to right: W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner (Julian’s father) Bro. Julian Wiesner and W. Bro. Mark Daub Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge
Mr. Lincoln North through W. Bro. Scott Sine donated a 30.30 rifle to Penewobikong Lodge

W. Bro. Scott Sine on the left stands with Mr. Lincoln North who donated his Grandfather’s (he was a Mason) 30.30 rifle to Penewobikong Lodge.
Penewobikong Lodge May 14, 2018 meeting share their fellowship with their evening guest Lincoln North.

The Brethren of Penewobikong Lodge share fellowship with their evening guest Lincoln North. Lincoln through W. Bro. Scott Sine donated a 30.30 rifle to the lodge. This rifle has Masonic engravings on it and was originally a possession of Lincoln grandfather who was a Mason. Lincoln shared anecdotes of the rifle history with the brethren.
Penewobikong Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Elliot Lake Lodge on December 13th, 2017

(Front Row L to R) V.W. Bro. John Stewart, Bro. Douglas Elliot (Elliot Lake Lodge candidate for the evening), W. Bro. Mickey Campbell W. Master of Elliot Lake Lodge, W. Bro. Mark Daub W. Master of Penewobikong Lodge, R. W. Bro. Brian Olson
(Back Row L to R) W. Bro. John Thomas, V. W. Bro. Armand Pitre, Bro. Rusty Joncas, V.W. Bro. Norm Pemberton. W. Bro. Bob Rae., and W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner.
Penewobikong Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Elliot Lake Lodge on June 14th, 2017

Front Row Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles, V.W. Bro. Norm Pemberton, V.W. Bro. John Stewart, W. Bro. Mickey Campbell (W.M. Elliot Lake Lodge), W. Bro. Mark Daub (W.M. Penewobikong Lodge Blind River) R.W. Bro. Brian Olson
Back Row Left to Right: V.W. Bro. Larry Brisbois, W. Bro. Art Freisen, V.W. Bro. Armand Pitre and W. Bro. Bob Rae.
Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 receives an Automated Defbrillator from Cameco Corporation.

“R.W. Bro Paul Astles, on behalf of W. Bro. Chris Astles, presented W. Bro. Bernhard Weisner on February 8, 2016 with an Automated Defibillator for use in Penewobikong Lodge No. 487. This unit was donated by Cameco Corporation. Chris Astles, a Past Master of the Lodge is the Plant Manager”.
Algoma East District DDGM Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge April 10, 2017

Piper W. Bro Clifford Graham pipes in the Head Table at R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill’s Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge April 10, 2017.

Front Row Left to Right: Bro. David Posteraro (Candidate), V. W. Bro. John Stewart, W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge), R. W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (DDGM Algoma East District on his Official Visit) V. W. Bro. M. Norman Stewart (Grand Steward) and Bro. Jeff McLeod (Candidate). Middle Row Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Paul Astles , Bro. Steve Brisbois and W. Bro. Mark Daub. Back Row: Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Alex Solomon, W. Bro. Pat Fortino, V. W. Bro. Maxime A. Pitre, Bro. Rusty Joncas, Bro. Ron Hamelin and V. W. Bro. Larry Brisbois.

Brethren at R .W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill’s Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 on April 10, 2017.
Algoma East District DDGM Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge April 11, 2016

Left to Right: Worshipful Master (Penewobikong Lodge) W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner, Julian Wiesner (Candidate) and DDGM R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis on his Official Visit April 11, 2016

Left to Right:
Worshipful Master W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner , V.W. Bro. John Stewart receives his 25 year pin and certificate & DDGM R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis.

Penewobikong Lodge Officers with DDGM R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis on his Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 on April 11, 2016
Penewobikong Lodge 2016 Dining Room Renovations
The Renovation Design drawing by W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner
Renovations in Progress

Installing the new closet door
Left to right: W. Master W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner, R.W. Bro. Brian Olson and W. Bro. Scott Sine

Installing Baseboard
Left to right: Bro. Russell Joncas (Rusty), Bro. Bobby Jensen and R.W. Bro. Brian Olson
Penewobikong Lodge 2014 Summer Picnic