Lorne Lodge No. 622
Bro. John Arthur Broomhead is raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on April 2, 2015.

Front & Centre R.W. Bro. Arthur Broomhead
Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Frank Broomhead, Bro. John Arthur Broomhead (Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason), R.W. Bro. Jamie Broomhead and Bro. Ross Broomhead
Sausage Making at Woodland Lodge No. 680 on November 28, 2015

At the last sausage-making in Wawa on November 28th, 2015 V.W. Bro. Steve Turyk (centre) and W. Bro. Scott Robinson package up 5lbs under the watchful eye of Bro. Bill Chapman
Two Brethren of Lorne Lodge No. 622 receive their Master Mason Certificates.

On January 7th, 2016 Bro. Philip Morin and Bro Don Warren were presented with their Master Mason certificates by W. Bro. Ted Burns
50 Year Presentation

W. Bro. Keith Travis had the honour of presenting V.W. Bro. Tom O’Shaughnessy with his 50 year pin at the December 1st, 2016 Lorne Lodge Meeting. V.W. Bro O’Shaughnessy was initiated into the Mysteries and Privileges of Ancient Free Masonry in November 1962. He was Master of Lorne Lodge 622 in 1977 and appointed a grand Steward in 1988. Throughout his Masonic career, he has been one of our faithful members making the twenty minute drive each month.
Algoma East District D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill’s Official visit to Lorne Lodge No. 622 on March 31, 2017

Brethren in attendance to R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill’s DDGM Official Visit to Lorne Lodge No. 622 on March 31, 2017

W. Bro. Dennis McLeod (Father of the Candidate), R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (DDGM of Algoma east District) and Spencer McLeod (Candidate).

R. W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill DDGM for Algoma East District with V. W. Bro. Yen Hong 60 year pin recipient.

Spencer McLeod (Candidate), R.W. Bro. Rodney Norman Caughill (DDGM for Algoma East District) and V.W. Bro. Yen Hong (60 year pin recipient).

Algoma East District DDGM R.W. Bro. Harry Michael Thomas on his Official Vis1t to Lorne Lodge on April 6th, 2018

R. W. Bro. James Broomhead District Secretary (on left) and R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District (on Right). This marked the first of four fraternal visits for these Brethren to kick off the new 2018 /2019 Masonic year

Bro. Ray Sandie(on right) a member of Lorne Lodge receives his 60 Year Pin from R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas (on left) DDGM for Algoma East District

We had a fun-loving group turn out for our first meeting of the year and were pleased to host R. W. Bro. George E .Thomas on his first fraternal visit to Lorne Lodge as DDGM and W. Bro. Art Friesen Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Left – Right R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas (DDGM of Algoma East District), Bro. Don McEachren (candidate) and W. Bro. Philip Morin (W. Master of Lorne Lodge No. 622.) December 1, 2018 at Lorne Lodge’s 1000th Regular Meeting.
District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas Official Visit to Lorne Lodge No. 622 on April 6, 2019

Full House at R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas’s DDGM Official Visit to Lorne Lodge No. 622 on April 6, 2019

R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas (on Left) and W. Bro. Philip Morin (on Right) welcome Bro. Christopher Pratt (Centre) into the Craft as the newest member of Lorne Lodge No. 622 on April 6, 2019.

Back Row Left – Right: R.W. Bro. Jim Chalmers DDGM of Temiskaming District, Bro. Ivan Groulx and V.W. Bro. John Mavrrinac of Golden Beaver Lodge No. 528 in Timmins.
Front Row Left – Right: W. Bro. Art Friesen Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River), W. Bro. Ned DesChene Algoma Lodge. No. 469 (Sault Ste. Marie), R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM of Algoma East District, Bro. Christopher Pratt (Candidate), W. Bro. Philip Morin Lorne Lodge No. 622 (Chapleau) and W. Bro. Eric Mitrikas Woodland Lodge No. 680 (Wawa).
Lorne Lodge No. 622 Installation and Investiture of Officers for 2019 – 2020

Left – Right: Junior Warden Bro. John Maddock, Worshipful Master W. Bro. Philip Morin and Senior Warden Bro. Don Warren.