Algoma Lodge No. 469

Algoma Lodge was insti­tuted on June 8, 1904, after many meet­ings and dis­cus­sions. These dis­cus­sions were held with mem­bers of Key­stone Lodge and­Ma­sons who had moved to the Sault due to the large indus­trial devel­op­ment tak­ing place at the time. Key­stone Lodge gave its’ bless­ing to the form­ing of this new Lodge which was des­ig­nated ‘Algoma’ Read more >>>>

Dyment Lodge No. 442

Dyment Lodge No. 442 was insti­tuted in Jan­u­ary of that year. In Jan­u­ary of 1997, it cel­e­brated its 100′ anniver­sary and became ” Gold “. The first Wor­ship­ful Mas­ter of the Lodge was Wor­ship­ful Brother W.L. Nichols. He was a Past Mas­ter of Key­stone Lodge. There were 17 char­ter members. Read more >>>>

Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698

In the begin­ning there were a few Masons in Elliot Lake area who talked of form­ing a Masonic Lodge. After numer­ous dis­cus­sions a meet­ing was arranged for April 2nd, 1958. The meet­ing place for this first Reg­u­lar group meet­ing was the base­ment of the Bank of Com­merce. Read more >>>>

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Lorne Lodge No. 622

Keystone Lodge No. 412

In 1885, Sault Ste. Marie was a lit­tle ham­let on the Cana­dian side of the St. Mary’s River. It did not even have the sta­tus of being a town; but it was the dom­i­nant urban cen­tre in north­ern Ontario with a pop­u­la­tion of 1,600.
Faith­ful brethren lived in Sault Ste. Marie who longed for the influ­ences of Masonic teach­ings and Masonic social and moral val­ues in their lives. These desires could only be grat­i­fied by the for­ma­tion of a lodge of their own. Read more >>>> 

Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 has now been a fix­ture in Blind River for 98 years. Prior to 1908, the masons of Blind River fell under the juris­dic­tion of Dyment Lodge No. 442 on Thes­sa­lon. In those days, this meant long and ardu­ous jour­neys, some­times by boat, to par­tic­i­pate in lodge functions. Read more >>>>

Woodland Lodge No. 680

The idea to form a Masonic Lodge grew out of a group called the Michipi­coten Busi­ness Men’s Club, a major­ity being Masons, which met in the mid 1940’s.
The ideas of form­ing a lodge were dis­cussed at Bro. James Wood’s log cabin by a group of Masons on Feb. 11, 1953. Read more >>>>
