Blood Donors Clinic in Sault Ste. Marie

Sault Ste. Marie Blood Donors Clinic 455 Queen Street West, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Verdi Hall 455 Queen Street West, Sault Ste. Marie Wednesday September 16, 2015 11:30am - 7:00pm

Blood Donors Clinic in Elliot Lake

Elliot Lake Blood Donors Clinic 120 Hillside Drive North, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

Georges Vanier School 140 Hillside Drive North Elliot Lake, On, P5A 1X7 Thursday September 17, 2015 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Keystone Lodge No. 412 Emergent Meeting

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Proving of aprons and Masonic Education

Algoma Lodge No. 469 Emergent Meeting

Algoma Lodge No. 469 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada

Meeting at 7:30 pm Members eligible for 2nd degree.

Lorne Lodge No. 622 Regular Meeting

Lorne Lodge No. 622 144 Lans­downe St. South, Box 142, Chapleau, Ontario, Canada

Supper Pickerel Fry, supper will be served at 5:00 pm Meeting at 7:00 pm Business of the Evening General Business - Masonic Education - Balloting for Candidates - Conferring Degrees - Payment of Accounts - Committee Reports. NO DEGREE  is planned for this evening.

Keystone Lodge No. 412 Regular Meeting

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Meeting 7:30 pm Regular Business Meeting To receive reports, petitions, communications, and all other business regularly presented. Work for the Evening No Conferral of Degrees

Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Regular Meeting

Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 17 Hanes Street , P.O. Box 608, Blind River, Ontario, Canada

Dinner at 6:30 pm Meeting 7:30 pm Work of the Evening To receive reports, communications and all other business that may be regularly presented. Initiation of Robert Antony Jensen into the Secrets and Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry.

Woodland Lodge No. 680 Regular Meeting

Woodland Lodge No. 680 308 Magpie Rd, P.O. Box 1844, Michipicoten River Village, Wawa, Ontario, Canada

Dinner at 6:00pm Meeting at 7:30 pm Meeting Agenda Reading and Confirming of Minutes Correspondence         Passing Accounts Receiving Petitions    General Business Receiving Reports      Masonic Education
