DDGM Official Visit to Penewobikong Lodge No. 487

Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 17 Hanes Street , P.O. Box 608, Blind River, Ontario, Canada

Dinner will be at the Seniors Cultural Centre Located at 15 Michigan Ave. Blind River The meal will be Manicotti, salad and dessert. Dinner served at 6:00 pm (sharp) Meeting 7:30 pm Business of the Evening To receive reports, communications and all other business that may be regularly presented. Purpose The purpose […]

Woodland Lodge No. 680 Regular Meeting

Woodland Lodge No. 680 308 Magpie Rd, P.O. Box 1844, Michipicoten River Village, Wawa, Ontario, Canada

NOTE: There will not be a supper before the Regular Meeting on April 11, 2018. However, snacks and dessert will be available after the meeting. Come out and enjoy the fellowship. Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Reading and Confirming of Minutes Correspondence         Passing Accounts Receiving […]

Dyment Lodge No. 442 Regular Meeting

Dyment Lodge No. 442 169 Main St., P.O. Box 417, Thessalon, Ontario, Canada

Meeting 7:30 pm Business of the Evening General and New Business Conferring Degrees This evening Bro. Timothy Hopkins, after proving his proficiency in the Entered Apprentice Degree, will be passed to the fellow Craft Degree.

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Regular Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

NOTE: Regular Meeting at 8:30 pm The reason for the change in time for the regular meeting to 8:30 pm is because prior to the meeting there will be a Masonic Funeral at 7:00 pm at the Northwood Funeral Home. Member to gather at 6:45 pm. A good […]

DDGM Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698

Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 171 Spruce Avenue, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

Regular Meeting Changed as per Dispensation to Saturday April 14, 2018 Meeting 2:00 pm Business of the Evening To receive reports, petitions, communications and all other business that is regularly presented. Purpose The purpose of this meeting is to welcome R.W. Bro. Harry Michael Thomas District Deputy Grand Master of Algoma […]

Blood Donors Clinic in Blind River

Blind River Blood Donors Clinic 110 Indiana Avenue, Blind River, Ontario, Canada

Blind River Community Centre 110 Indiana Avenue Blind River, On, P0R 1B0 Monday April 16, 2018 4:00pm - 8:00pm

Algoma Lodge No. 469 Emergent Meeting

Algoma Lodge No. 469 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada

Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Work of the evening At this meeting we will be initiating Mr. Colton Tourigny into the Secrets and Hidden Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry. It would be nice to have a good turnout to give him a good impression.

Keystone Lodge No. 412 Emergent Meeting

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Degree work for the Evening Conferral of an Entered Apprentice Degree. The candidate for the evening will be Mr. Ian Starzomski.

Dyment Lodge No. 442 Emergent Meeting

Dyment Lodge No. 442 169 Main St., P.O. Box 417, Thessalon, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Conferring Degrees This evening Bro. Erasmus Madimbu, after proving his proficiency in the Entered Apprentice Degree, will be passed to the fellow Craft Degree.

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Emergent Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Degree work This emergent meeting will consist of one possibly two First Degrees for Mr. Matthew Alexander Conrad and Mr. Steven Potter. This should be a great evening and a great turnout is hoped for to impress our new candidates.
