DDGM Official Visit to Hatherly Lodge No. 625

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Dinner @ 6:15 pm Roast Beef Dinner $22.00 Please notify Bro. Mathew McDonald (Junior Warden) or R. W. Bro. Ian MacKenzie if you are planning on attending the dinner. Meeting @ 7:30 pm Official Visit of our D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas Business of the Evening To receive reports, communications and all other […]

Dyment Lodge No. 442 Regular Meeting

Dyment Lodge No. 442 169 Main St., P.O. Box 417, Thessalon, Ontario, Canada

Meeting 7:30 pm Business of the Evening General and New Business Ballot If the report from Grand Lodge and the Committee of Inquiry is favourable there will be a ballot taken on the Application for Initiation for Mr. Kenneth Seabrook a resident of Thessalon.

Algoma Lodge No. 469 Regular Meeting

Algoma Lodge No. 469 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada

Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Agenda as per Bylaws

Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 Emergent Meeting

Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 171 Spruce Avenue, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Degree work After Bro. John Clark and Bro. Chad Dorion have given proof of their proficiency in the Fellow Craft Degree they will be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.

Algoma Lodge No. 469 Emergent Meeting

Algoma Lodge No. 469 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada

Dinner at 6:00 pm Please contact the Junior Warden if you plan on attending. Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Work of the evening Past Masters Night. At this emergent meeting W. Bro. Rod St. John will be leading the group of Past Masters in a 2nd Degree. Bro. Colten […]

Keystone Lodge No. 412 Emergent Meeting

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Degree work for the Evening Conferral of a Fellow Craft Degree upon available candidate(s).

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Emergent Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Degree work There will be Degrees should candidates be ready. Those that could be ready, their sponsors should contact the Master.

Lorne Lodge No. 622 Regular Meeting

Lorne Lodge No. 622 144 Lans­downe St. South, Box 142, Chapleau, Ontario, Canada

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR POPPY Supper @ 5:30 pm This month the Knife and Fork Degree will be conducted under the Serving Spoon of Bro. Mike Fortin. The menu is a "secret". Cost of the supper will be by donation but bring some extra $$Cash$$ because, as […]

DDGM Official Visit to Keystone Lodge No. 412

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR POPPY Dinner 6:30 pm Please advise the Junior Warden Bro. Joe Allan if you are planning on attending the dinner so that he has an accurate numbers. joeallan@shaw.ca   Meeting 7:30 pm Regular Business Meeting To receive reports, petitions, communications, and all other […]

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Regular Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR POPPY Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening To receive reports, communications and all other business that may be regularly presented. Work of the Evening This evening Bro. Bobby Bain after giving satisfactory proof of his proficiency in the Fellow Craft Degree […]
