Algoma Lodge No. 469 Emergent Meeting

Algoma Lodge No. 469 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Meeting at 7:30 pm Work of the Evening This evening Mr. Richard Glenn Flood, recommended by W. Bro. Brian Nadon and Bro. Robert Lambert will be initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry. Harmony to follow.

Keystone Lodge No. 412 Emergent Meeting

Keystone Lodge No. 412 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting 7:30 pm Work for the Evening Fellow Craft Degree subject to the availability of the candidate. Masonic Education

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 Emergent Meeting

Hatherly Lodge No. 625 378 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Emergent Meeting at 7:30 pm Business of the Evening Possible initiation or Fellow Craft Degree based on availability of candidates.
