To receive reports, communications, and all other business that may be regularly presented.
Pending a favourable report there will be a ballot for affiliation to accept Bro. Matthew Curtis of Serpent River into Penewobikong Lodge. He is at present a member of Chukuni Lodge No. 660 and is recommended by Worshipful Master Rusty Joncas and by Bro. Simon.
The application of Mr. Zagar has been regularly moved and seconded to be balloted on for initiation.
This evening Mr. James Poyton having been regularly proposed, balloted for and accepted will be initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry.
12/01/1998 Bro James Smith 26 years
12/01/1981 V.W. Bro. Norm Penberton 43 years
13/01/2014 Bro. Tyler McEachren 10 years
09/01/2017 Bro. Dave Posteraro 7 years
18/01/2004 Bro. Antony Buckland 20 years