V.W. Bro. Norm Pemberton gave a report on the General Purpose Meeting on January 5 and asked that the following be included in the Minutes as a Notice of Motion:
Section 6
Add to the list of Officers the following: Three Master Masons will be elected by open vote in Lodge to be Trustees for a one-year term.
Section 25
As we cannot have Honorary memberships if we do not have Life Memberships the section pertaining to Honorary Memberships will be deleted.
Section 31
To bring this into accord with the Constitution of Grand Lodge this section will be changed as follows:
Annual Dues are payable in advance on the 1st day of January of each and every year. If any brothers’ dues remain unpaid for 12 months, the member shall be suspended.
The Secretary shall notify the brother, the Grand Lodge Secretary, the DDGM and the Secretary of the Central Masonic Bureau of such suspension.