Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698
On April 10, 2023 members of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River) at the Official Visit of R.W. Bro. John K. Thomas (District Deputy Grand Master of Algoma East District).

Front Row (L-R) Bro. William Elliot, W. Bro. Michael Campbell (Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698), W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Blind River), Bro. Douglas Elliot.
Back Row (L-R) W. Bro. Dan Berry, W. Bro. Daniel Oberland, Bro. Reg Simon, R.W. Bro. Kenneth Pierce and R.W. Bro. George Thomas.
Bro. Ken Meeking’s Initiation January 8, 2020

Front Row Left – Right R.W. Bro. Ken Pierce, Bro. Douglas Elliot, Bro. Ken Meeking (Candidate),W. Bro. Robert Boudreau (Worshipful Master), Bro. Daniel Oberland, Bro. William Elliot and R. W. Bro. George Thomas
Back Row Left – Right W. Bro. Gordon McCarthy and Bro. Karl Brasch
Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 Installation and Investiture of Officers June 12, 2019

Left to Right: Senior Warden Bro. Daniel Oberland, Worshipful Master W. Bro. Robert Boudreau and Junior Warden Bro. Reg Simon.

Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Clifford Thompson PDDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, New Worshipful Master for Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 W. Bro. Robert Boudreau and R.W. Bro. Bill Hilden DDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.

Left – Right: R.W. Bro. Clifford Thompson PDDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, R. W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM for Algoma East District, Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 for 2019-2020 W. Bro. Robert Boudreau and R.W. Bro. Bill Hilden DDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.

Left to Right: R.W. Bro. Clifford Thompson PDDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Senior Warden Daniel Oberland, R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas DDGM for Algoma East District, Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No 698 for 2019-2020 W. Bro. Robert Boudreau Junior Warden Reg Simon and R.W. Bro. Bill Hilden DDGM for Annapolis-Digby District Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.
Algoma East District DDGM R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 on March 13, 2019.

Algoma East District DDGM R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas with Bro. Denis Meeking the newest Fellow Craft of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 on March 13, 2019

Algoma East District DDGM R.W. Bro. George E. Thomas presenting the 25 year certificate and pin to Bro. Reg Simon on March 13, 2019.
Algoma East District DDGM R.W. Bro Harry Michael Thomas Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge No 698 on April 14, 2018
Elliot Lake Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River) on March 12th, 2018.

Left to Right Front Row: Bro. William Baker,, R.W. Bro. Norm Mathie (Immediate Past Mast Elliot Lake Lodge), W .Bro. Bernhard Wiesner(Immediate Past Master Penewobikong Lodge)
Left to Right Back Row: Bro. Merv McCormick, W. Bro. Gord McCarthy, Bro. Reg Simon and W. Bro. George Thomas
Elliot Lake Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River) on September 11th, 2017.

Left to Right : W. Bro. George Thomas, W. Bro. Mervyn McCormick, W. Bro. Mickey Campbell (Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698), W. Bro. Mark Daub (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 Blind River), Bro. Reg Simon, Bro. Alan Oberland, Bro. Daniel Oberland and V. w. Bro. Larry Brisbois.
Elliot Lake Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River) on February 13th, 2017.

Front Row L-R Bro. Bill Baker, Bro. Mickey Campbell (SW), W. Bro. Ian McKay (PM), Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 R.W. Bro. Norm Mathie, Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 W. Bro. Bernhard Wiesner and Bro. Bob Prout.
Back Row (L to R) W. Bro. George Thomas, W. Bro. Gord McCarhty (Secretary) and V.W. Bro. Larry Brisbois (Organist)
Elliot Lake Lodge captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 (Blind River) on June 13th, 2016
Elliot Lake Lodge 2016 Installation and Investiture of Officers (June 8, 2016)

Left to Right: R.W. Bro Ken Pierce, R.W. Bro. Robert McLean, New Worshipful Master of Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 for 2016 / 2017 R.W. Bro. Norman Mathie and R.W. Bro. John H. Lewis D.D.G.M. Algoma East District 2015 /2016
DDGM for Algoma East District R. W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis Official Visit to
Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698 on April 9, 2016

Front Row from left to right: Bro. Real Deschatelets (Terrace Bay Lodge), W. Master of Elliot Lake Lodge W. Bro. Andrew Todd, (Candidate)Bro. Irphan Bandesha (Rick Bain), D.D.G.M. of Algoma East District R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis.
Back Row: W. Bro. Al Yake (Elliot Lake Lodge), W. Bro. Harold Griggs and W. Bro. Jason Nesbitt (Terrace Bay Lodge).

Elliot Lake Lodge Officers & Visitors at the DDGM Official Visit April 9, 2016 Left to Right : Front Row R.W. Bro. Ken Pierce, Bro. Mickey Campbell, W. Master W. Bro. Andrew Todd, Bro. Ricky Bain (Candidate) DDGM R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis, R.W. Bro. Norm Mathie. Middle Row: Bro. Matt Marshall, Bro. Daniel Oberland, W. Bro. Ian McKay, Bro. Randy Lepine, V.W. Bro. David Lillie and Bro. William Elliot. Back Row: W .Bro. Gordon McCarthy, Bro. Allan Oberland, W. Bro. Norm Stewart, W. Bro. Richard Meisner and R.W. Bro. Robert McLean and

Past & Present Grand Lodge Officers at the DDGM’s Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge on April 9, 2016 Left to Right: Front Row R.W. Bro. Norm Mathie, V.W. Bro John Stewart, W. Master of Elliot Lake Lodge W. Bro. Todd Andrew (Candidate) Ricky Bain, DDGM R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis, R.W. Bro. Brian Olson and R.W. Bro. Ken Pierce Back Row: V.W. Bro. Rod Caughill, R.W. Bro. Bill Vair, R.W. Bro. Robert McLean and V. W. Bro. David Lillie

Left to Right: W. Master of Elliot Lake Lodge W. Bro. Andrew Todd, Sisters of the Eastern Star Mrs. Morgan Vance and Mrs. Patricia Folz (recipients of Window Pins), and the DDGM of Algoma East District R.W. Bro. J. Henry Lewis

Sisters of the Eastern Star serving dinner. Left to Right: Mrs. Pat Folz, Mrs. Shirley Prout, Mrs. Morag Vance and Mrs. Clarice McCormick.
District Deputy Grand Master Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698
on April 19, 2014

Initiation of Mr. Gary Overland (Centre) on the DDGM’s Official Visit April 19, 2014 at Elliot Lake Lodge No. 698

R.W. Bro. Claire Bracken DDGM for Sudbury-Manitoulin District visits on April 19, 2014 for the DDGM of Algoma East District R.W. Bro. Brian K. Olson’s Official Visit to Elliot Lake Lodge.