Dyment Lodge No. 442 Thessalon
R.W.Bro. Brad Eagleson
DDGM 2010-11
D.D.G.M. Official Visit to Dyment Lodge No. 442 on December 10, 2015

Dyment Lodge DDGM Official Visit Dec 10th, 2015. R.W. Bro. John Henry Lewis, W. Bro. Cliff Graham and W. Bro. Ben Webster (Worshipful Master of Dyment Lodge Thessalon).

R.W. Bro. John Henry Lewis (DDGM Algomaeast District) Bro. Steven Whitfield (Candidate) W. Bro. Ben Webster (Worshipful Master For Dyment Lodge).

Dyment Lodge Officers, (Centre) Bro. Steven Whitfield is the candidate for the evening. R.W. Bro. John Henry Lewis (Front row on far right) on his DDGM Official Visit Dec 10, 2015.
Dyment Lodge No. 442 captures the Travelling Gavel from Algoma Lodge No. 469 on Feb 8, 2016.
Worshipful Master Benjamin Webster along with five Brethren from Dyment Lodge No. 442 (Thessalon) successfully obtained the Travelling Gavel from his long time friend and the New Worshipful Master Harvey Benford from Algoma Lodge No. 469 (Sault Ste. Marie) on the evening of February 8th 2016. This was the official visit of the D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. John Henry Lewis to Mother Lodge Algoma Lodge No. 469
Left to right. Sec. W. Bro. Randall Bird, District Sec. W. Bro. Norm Stewart, JD Bro. John Thomas Tremelling, WM W. Bro. Benjamin Webster Dyment Lodge # 442, R.W. Bro. John Henry Lewis D.D.G.M. Algoma East District, WM W. Bro. Harvey Benford Algoma Lodge # 469, PM W. Bro. Jordan Bird and the IG Bro. Gilbert Medve.
Dyment Lodge No. 442 captures the Travelling Gavel from Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 on January 8, 2024.

Left to Right: W. Bro. Denis McLeod, W. Bro. Rusty Joncas (Worshipful Master of Penewobikong Lodge No. 487 in Blind River), W. Bro. John Tremelling, W. Bro. Ben Webster (Worshipful Master of Dyment Lodge No. 442 in Thessalon), Bro. Tyler King, Bro. Steven Whitfield and W. Bro. Randy Bird.