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Algoma Lodge History


A war­rant from Grand Lodge was issued on July 20, 1905. The first Wor­ship­ful Mas­ter of the Lodge was Wor­ship­ful Brother D. D. Lewis.
At the first reg­u­lar meet­ing held on July 13, 1904 the mem­bers expressed their con­fi­dence in their new Lodge by instruct­ing the Sec­re­tary to pur­chase two dozen aprons.

On June 4, 1905 the Lodge expe­ri­enced its first offi­cial visit by a Dis­trict Deputy Grand Mas­ter, when Right Wor­ship­ful Brother M. McFad­den hon­oured them with his presence.

The Lodge con­tin­ued to grow and in 1914 it held ten reg­u­lar meet­ings and twenty-seven emer­gent meetings.

From 1914 to 1918 there were fifty-nine mem­bers of the Lodge who served in His Majesty’s forces dur­ing the Great War.

In 1921 the Lodge had the sat­is­fac­tion of see­ing the first one of its mem­bers selected as Dis­trict Deputy Grand Mas­ter. Right Wor­ship­ful Brother H. J. Moor­house would occupy that dis­tin­guished office.

Over the years the Lodge has had thir­teen of its mem­bers serve in that capac­ity.
The Lodge con­tin­ued its growth and in the 1950’s and 60’s there were years when as many as eighty-two degrees were conferred.

One of the high­lights of the first one hun­dred years of Algoma Lodge his­tory was the pre­sen­ta­tion in 1986 of the pres­ti­gious William Mer­cer Wil­son Medal to Brother God­frey H. Wyatt, for his out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions to his Lodge and to Masonry in general.

The year 2004 marked the One Hun­dredth Anniver­sary of Algoma Lodge and the year was cel­e­brated with many activ­i­ties. The Most Wor­ship­ful Brother Don­ald H. Mumby, Grand Mas­ter of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, attended Lodge and a gala din­ner mark­ing the event. Our own Right Wor­ship­ful Brother William J. Vair was the Dis­trict Deputy Grand Mas­ter dur­ing our Centennial.

Algoma Lodge con­tin­ues to grow and its mem­bers con­tinue to take their place in the fra­ter­nity and in soci­ety in general.
