Dinner 6:00 pm Our Junior Warden Carl Falls has organized the meal at a cost of $20.00. There is options for dinner:
Option # 1 Penne and meatballs with salad
Option # 2 Roast Chicken with salad
Option # 3 Roast Chicken, mixed veg and mashed potatoes with gravy.
There will also be fresh bread served with all meals and a selection of homemade deserts.
If you would like to attend please RSVP our JW Carl Falls at either phone# 705-297-3415 or email carl.falls@icloud.com and let him know which dinner option you would like.
Meeting 7:30 pm
Business of the Evening
General Business.
The purpose of this meeting is to welcome R.W. Bro. Robert D. Craig District Deputy Grand Master of Algoma East District on his official visit.
Work Of The Evening
Fellow Craft Degree subject to availability of candidates.
Notice of Ballot
Ballot will take place for Mr. Joseph (Jeff) Cardoso, residing at 224 Alexandra St. SSM, On and Mr. Parker Van James Caicco residing at 139 Meadow Park Cre. SSM, On, subject to a favorable review from the committee of inquiry.