Knife & Fork Degree
Prior to this first meeting of the year we will be conducting a knife & Fork Degree commencing at 5:45 p.m. The menu is yet to be determined, but it will be guaranteed delicious. Come early and enjoy some fellowship with your brethren. Bring a friend and or bring an appetite.
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
General Business, Balloting, Accounts Payable, Masonic Education, Conferring Degrees and Committee Reports.
Grand Steward Investiture
At this meeting we will be investing W. Bro. Keith Travis with his Grand Steward collar and apron and officially assign the rank of “V.W. Bro. Keith Travis”.
Masonic Memorial Service In a Tyled Lodge
At this meeting we will be conducting a Masonic Memorial Service for Bro. John Wilfred Herbert (Herb) Butler and Bro. Ross Broomhead who passed to the GLA during this past Masonic year. We cherish their memories in our hearts.
Masonic Education
The Cornerstone Project: Should We or Shouldn’t We?
R.W. Bro. James Broomhead will be doing a slide presentation on the benefits of the Cornerstone Project to the general wellness of a Lodge.