Dinner 6:00 pm
Meeting 7:30 pm
COVID-19 Requirements
Proof of Vaccination or certified medical exemption will be required at the point of entry (as mandated for meeting and event spaces in 0. Reg.364/20)
Masks must be worn at all times when in the Lodge room, and at all times in the building except when eating or drinking.
Contract tracing must be implemented.
All other local and provincial rules must be observed.
Business of the Evening
To receive reports, petitions, communications and all other business that is regularly presented.
Work of the Evening
Regular Business Meeting for the Installation of the Worshipful Master and the Investiture of Officers for 2019/2020 under the direction of V.W. Bro. Norm Pemberton and his team of Past Masters.
Pending a favourable report from the Investigating Committee, and clearance from Grand Lodge, the following application will be balloted on. Mr. Matthew Roscoe, residing in Elliot Lake, Occupation, a Student, Recommended by W. Bro. Mervyn McCormick & W. Bro. Michael Campbell.
Dress Code
Officers: Formal Dress
Members: Business Suits