Dyment Lodge No. 442 History

The path of Masonry in the Town of Thes­sa­lon proved to be a dif­fi­cult one. The brethren suf­fered three major fires within the first 75 years. The first one occurred in 1910. Dam­age was rel­a­tively minor and most of the lodge mate­ri­als were res­cued. The sec­ond fire occurred in the fall of 1916.  This fire proved to be far more severe and every­thing was lost. The brethren pre­vailed and tried once more only to have a dev­as­tat­ing fire occur in May of 1963. The only items saved were two black­ened ash­lars and the minute books, which were, thank­fully, not in the lodge room at the time.  The mem­bers endured and built their own lodge build­ing on the main street of Thes­sa­lon.  The build­ing was opened in Octo­ber of 1963.  It is the lodge build­ing presently being used.

Dyment Lodge has endured these major fires over the years. They con­tin­u­ance of the Lodge is a memo­r­ial to the tenac­ity of its mem­bers and the desire to keep Masonry in the area. In addi­tion to these prob­lems, Dyment Lodge has endured many busi­ness clos­ings, down­turns in the econ­omy and the ever-present move­ment of young peo­ple to the larger urban centers.

Today it boasts a mem­ber­ship of approx­i­mately 130 Masons.  It is con­sid­ered a very strong and grow­ing Lodge in the Algoma East Dis­trict. Mem­bers come from the Town of Thes­sa­lon and as far west as St. Joseph Island.  They also come from the east close to the Vil­lage of Iron Bridge.

If you wish to know more about Dyment Lodge, please con­tact either the Wor­ship­ful Mas­ter or the Sec­re­tary.  You can access either of them from this site.

